Selected Student works
written under the supervision of
Sienho Yee
Sienho Yee’s Homepage:
For “law school” (法学院):
For “international law teaching” (国际法教学):
Sienho Yee supervises students in public international law including all the core areas and international legal philosophy /
Quite a number of
these papers have been published in fine fora (一些论文在很好的地方发表、出版,选列如下),
for example:
7. 郝雅烨子 著:《联合国海洋法公约》争端解决机制下的临时措施制度研究[Provisional
Measures under the Dispute Settlement System of the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea], 258 页。
[Ph.D. thesis at Wuhan University
School of Law]
6. 杨瑛 著:《联合国海洋法公约》与军事活动法律问题研究 [The UNCLOS and Military Activities], 248 页。
[Ph.D. thesis at Wuhan University School of Law]
5. Kaijun Pan, A Re-Examination of Estoppel in International Jurisprudence, 16 Chinese Journal of International Law (2017), 751–786, [SSCI; Oxford University Press]
[LLM thesis at Wuhan University
Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies]
4. 朱玲玲 著:国家单方行为的解释与效力判定 [Unilateral Acts of States: Interpretation and Assessment of Their Effects],150 页。
武汉:武汉大学出版社,2016 年
[Ph.D. thesis at Wuhan University School of Law]
3. Kibrom Tesfagabir, The State of Functional Immunity of International Organizations and Their Officials and Why It Should be Streamlined, 10 Chinese Journal of International Law (2011), 97-128, . [SSCI; Oxford University Press]
[LLM thesis at Wuhan University
School of Law]
(Mr. Kibrom Tesfagabir subsequently went to Harvard
for the LLM and SJD programs)
2. Seminar papers by 6 students, collected in: Sienho Yee (ed.), International Crime and Punishment: Selected Issues, vol. 2 (University Press of America, 2004), 278 pp. Contents: ; [Seminar papers at University of Colorado at Boulder School of Law]
1. Seminar papers by 4 students, collected in: Sienho Yee (ed.), International Crime and Punishment: Selected Issues, vol. 1 (University Press of America, 2003), 182 pp. Contents: ; [Seminar papers at University of Colorado at Boulder School of Law]