International Law in the Post-Cold
War World: Essays in Memory of Li
Edited by Sienho Yee & Wang
Tieya; Published April 5, London & New York by Routledge
List of Contributors
Georges Abi-Saab, Member of the Appellate Body, WTO; Professor of International Law, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva; Rennert Distinguished Professor in the Global Law School Program, NYU Law School; Honorary Professor, Cairo University; former judge on the Appeals Chamber at the ICTY and ICTR, judge ad hoc at the ICJ in Territorial Dispute (Libya v. Chad) and Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso v. Mali); and Commissioner on the United Nations Compensation Commission; author of Cours général de droit international public (Hague Academy of International Law) and others.
Kaare Bangert, Dr., Research Assistant Professor, Danish Research Council; D.Phil. candidate, Wolfson College, Oxford; former Legal Officer, Foreign Ministry of Denmark; former Lecturer of public international law and EEC law, University of Copenhagen; author, 200 soemils fiskeriterritorium (1999).
Rudolf Bernhardt, former Judge and Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights; former Director and Professor, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law, University of Heidelberg; General Editor, Encyclopedia of Public International Law.
Bartram Brown, Associate Professor of Law at the Chicago-Kent College of Law; member, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Board of Directors of Amnesty International, USA; public member, US Delegation to the UN Commission on Human Rights in 1999 and 2000.
Antonio Cassese, Professor of international Law, University of Florence; former Judge and former President of the ICTY; Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford; former president of the Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture; participant, in numerous international conferences and author of numerous articles and books including International Law in a Divided World (1986) and A. Cassese, Self-determination of Peoples: a Legal Reappraisal (1995).
Bin Cheng, Ph.D., LL.D., Hon. LL.D., FRAeS, Emeritus Professor of Air and Space Law, and former Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of London; author of numerous articles and books including Studies in International Space Law (1997) and General Principles of Law as Applied by International Courts and Tribunals (1953).
Simon Chesterman is an Associate at the International Peace Academy. His recent publications include articles on war crimes, human rights theory, and euthanasia. His doctoral thesis, supervised by Professor Ian Brownlie at the University of Oxford, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press as "Just War or Just Peace? Humanitarian Intervention and International Law".
Władysław Czapliński, Jean Monnet Professor of International and European Law, Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Gdansk; has numerous publications on state succession, state responsibility, customary law, Third Pillar of the EU, and jurisprudence of the ECJ; Rapporteur, ILA Committee on State Succession; Editor, Polish YIL and Przeglad Prawa Europejskiego.
Gennady M. Danilenko, Professor of Law, Wayne State University School of Law; former head of the Center for International Law, Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences; author, Law-Making in the International Community (1993).
Vladimir-Djuro Degan, Professor of Public International Law, Faculty of Law, Rijeka; Director of the Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences at Zagreb; author of numerous books and articles including Sources of International Law (1997).
GAO Feng, member of the Editorial Committee of the Chinese Yearbook of International Law, Beijing.
Ross Garland, Rhodes Scholar and D.Phil. candidate, Pembroke College, Oxford.
Christine D. Gray, University Lecturer and Fellow, St. John’s College, Cambridge; formerly Reader in Public International Law, Oxford; author of Judicial Remedies in International Law (1987).
Bing Bing Jia, LL.B. (Peking University); D.Phil. (Oxon.); Legal Assistant to Judge Li Haopei and Judge Wang Tieya, Appeals Chamber, ICTY and ICTR; Associate Legal Officer, Appeals Chamber, ICTY and ICTR; author, The Regime of Straits in International Law (1998).
John R.W.D. Jones, M.A. (Oxon.); M.A. in Law; LL.M.; Barrister, Lincoln's Inn; Associate, White & Case, Paris; Door Tenant, Chambers of Rock Tansey QC, London; formerly legal officer at ICTY and ICTR; author of The Practice of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda (2d ed., 2000).
Santiago Legarre, Lecturer of Jurisprudence, Austral University, Argentina.
Vaughan Lowe, Dr., Chichele Professor of Public International Law in the University of Oxford and Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford; formerly Reader in Public International Law in the University of Cambridge and Lecturer in the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff; author of The Law of the Sea (with R. Churchill), The Settlement of Disputes in International Law (with J. Collier) and co-editor, Fifty Years of the International Court of Justice; counsel and adviser to various governments and corporations.
Ronald St. J. Macdonald, OC, QC, LL.D., former Professor of
International Law, Dalhousie; judge at the European Court of Human Rights; Honorary
Professor of Peking University; author of numerous articles and books; member
of l’Institut de Droit International.
Peter Malanczuk, Dr. iur, Professor of International Law, Law Faculty, and Director of the GLODIS-Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Honorary Professor and Honorary Director of the Institute of Globalization and International Law of Peking University; Chair, ILA Study Group on State Responsibility; Series Editor, Studies and Materials on the Settlement of International Disputes (Kluwer); Special Legal Advisor to Ethiopia; Arbitrator, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission; Counsel, Lalive & Partners, Geneva.
Richard May, Judge (since Nov. 1997), Presiding Judge, Trial Chamber III, and Chair, Rules Committee of the ICTY; B.A. (1963), LL.B. (1964), Cambridge University; Barrister (Inner Temple, 1965-87); Circuit Judge, Midland and Oxford Circuit (1987-97); author, Criminal Evidence (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1st ed. 1986, 4th ed. 1999).
Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, former President and Judge of the ICTY and Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chambers of the ICTY and ICTR. Before coming to The Hague she was a civil rights lawyer, a partner in a law firm, a law professor, and a federal district judge in the United States.
Ted McWhinney, M.P. (for Vancouver-Quadra), Q.C., J.S.D. (Yale), first Canadian member of l’Institut de Droit International; former member of PCA, The Hague; taught law at Yale, Toronto, McGill, Simon Fraser in Vancouver, Paris I (Sorbonne) (by special decree of the French Cabinet) and The Hague Academy of International Law; former Crown Prosecutor; adviser to the UN Secretary-General, and Canadian and foreign governments; author of more than 19 books and numerous articles.
Jordan Paust, University of Houston Law Foundation Professor, University of Houston Law Center, author of numerous articles and books, including The Military in American Society: Cases and Materials (with others, 1978); International Law as Law of the United States (1996).
Marco Sassòli, Ph.D. (Basel); Registrar of the First Court of Public Law of the Swiss Federal Tribunal in Lausanne; former assistant to Professor Luzius Wildhaber (Basel); former Deputy Head of the ICRC's legal division; former Secretary-general of the Swiss Fund for Needy Victims of the Holocaust/Shoa in Berne and Executive Secretary of the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva; author of numerous publications on international humanitarian law and human rights.
Mohamed Shahabuddeen, Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (Vice-President, 1997-1999); former Judge of the International Court of Justice (1988-1997); Member of the Institute of International Law (First Vice-President, 1991-2001); Precedent in the World Court (1996).
Jianming Shen, S.J.D. (U. Penn), Visiting Professor of Law, St. John's University School of Law; Formerly Research Fellow in International Law, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law; Kenneth Wang Research Professor of Law, St. John's University School of Law; Assistant Professor of International Law, Peking University Faculty of Law.
Theo van Boven, Professor of International Law, University of Maastricht, Netherlands; member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; president of the Netherlands Association of International Law; vice-president of the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva); vice-president of the International Institute for Human Rights (Strasbourg), former director of the UN Centre for Human Rights, and former Registrar of the ICTY.
Budislav Vukas, Professor of Public International Law at the University of Zagreb; Judge at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; member of l’Institut de Droit International; lectured at many other universities and at the Hague Academy of International Law (on "States, peoples and minorities" in 1992); author of numerous publications.
Guiguo Wang, LL.M, Columbia; J.S.D., Yale; Woo Po Shing Professor of Chinese and Comparative Law, City University of Hong Kong; Visiting Professor of Law, the People’s University of China, Beijing, and Nankai University, Tianjin, China; Arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing; Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law.
WANG Tieya, former Judge, Appeals Chamber, ICTY and ICTR; former Professor of International Law and Director of the International Law Institute, Peking University; member, Committee on the Drafting of the Basic Law of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong; former Legal Advisor to the Chinese Delegation to the United Nations and to various conferences; lecturer, the Hague Academy of International Law; member of l’Institut de Droit International and other learned societies; editor-in-chief of the Chinese Yearbook of International Law and author of numerous books and articles.
Sienho Yee, associate professor of law, University of Colorado School of Law, Boulder; former judicial law clerk to Judges Li (ICTY) and Cowen (US, Third Circuit); former tutor in PIL at Oxford colleges and visiting assistant professor at Northwestern University; former counsel at the IMF; author of various articles on PIL and constitutional law in Columbia LR, EJIL, ICLQ, German YIL, Max Planck YUNL, etc.
ZHU Wenqi, Ph.D. in International Law (Paris II, 1987); Legal Advisor in the Appeals Section of the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICTY; author, Outline of International Humanitarian Law (in co-operation with the ICRC, 1997).